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Athletes Foot

If you frequently experience burning and itching between your toes, you may have athlete’s foot. At Independence Foot and Ankle Associates, LLC, the doctors offer effective treatments to clear up athlete’s foot and help you prevent it from returning. With locations in Blue Bell, Lansdale, Feasterville, and Perkasie, Pennsylvania, the experienced podiatrists are here to help. Schedule an evaluation online or call the office to learn more.

What is athlete’s foot?

Athlete’s foot is a fungal condition typically affecting the skin between the toes. The fungus grows in moist, warm areas, such as public locker rooms, swimming pools, and showers. As many athletes use these shared facilities, the condition became common among them, influencing the fungal condition’s name.

Walking barefoot at public pools and in locker rooms increases your risk of developing the condition. Once you have athlete’s foot, you can spread it to other parts of your body if you scratch the infection. You can also transmit the infection to others through direct contact or by sharing facilities.

Athlete’s Foot Q&A

What are the symptoms of athlete’s foot?

You may experience one or more symptoms of athlete’s foot, including:

  • Dry skin
  • Peeling skin
  • Itching or burning between toes
  • Inflammation and swelling

You may also develop blisters in between the toes or on other parts of the feet. Once blisters break, raw skin tissue can burn and cause discomfort and pain. These open wounds can also become infected if left untreated.

How is athlete’s foot treated?

If you experience constant burning and itching in between your toes, your doctor performs a physical examination of your feet to diagnose athlete’s foot. He develops a comprehensive treatment plan that includes topical or oral antifungal medications. He may also prescribe oral antibiotics if your foot is infected.

How can I prevent athlete’s foot?

Being proactive about proper foot care helps prevent future cases of athlete’s foot. The experienced podiatrists at Independence Foot and Ankle recommend the following tips to protect your feet from fungal diseases:

  • Wash and dry feet daily
  • Wear moisture-wicking socks
  • Use foot powders to absorb moisture
  • Wear quality, properly-fitting shoes
  • Change socks regularly
  • Wear sandals in public pools and showers

You should also practice proper foot care routines, including trimming nails regularly to prevent fungal infections. If other members of your household have athlete’s foot, be sure to disinfect bathtubs and showers after each use to reduce the risk of spreading the condition.